God’s purpose for the nation of Israel was to be a kingdom of priests, a holy nation, and a light to the other nations. They were to show Who God was and lead all the other nations to Him. Instead, they were the ones being led! They were following the ways of the nations—the nations who would not admit that God was the Lord at all—while in truth He was the Lord of all!
The people did not want God to be their King any longer and had rejected Him. They begged Samuel, God’s last Judge, for a human king to rule them so they could be like the other nations. 1 Samuel covers the life of Saul, Israel’s first king. 2 Samuel takes up where 1 Samuel leaves off and continues with the reign of David, Israel’s second king.
1 Kings begins with Solomon becoming King in his father David’s place. After his reign, the kingdom is torn in two by God because of Solomon’s sin. Solomon’s servant becomes King over the Northern tribes of Israel. Solomon’s son becomes King over the Southern tribes of Israel. 1 Kings continues with story after story recounting the kings of Israel through the kings of Ahaz and Jehoshaphat.
2 Kings takes up where 1 Kings leaves off. 2 Kings includes biographies of the rest of the kings of Israel and Judah and tells of each kingdom’s demise when God sends them into captivity—the Northern Kingdom to Assyria and the Southern Kingdom to Babylon.
There is no Observation Bible Study Guide for 2 Kings at this time.
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