The last 27 books of the Bible are called the New Testament. 21 of those books are called Epistles or letters. They were written for the instruction of believers in Jesus, the Christ.
The Galatians were deserting God for a different gospel. Paul comes in full blast and renounces all false gospels. “Let them be accursed!” he says of those who would distort the gospel of Christ. Paul verifies and validates the gospel he had given them—which was by faith! The Galatians believed that they needed to be perfected through their own works.
Paul reminds them they received the Spirit by hearing with faith and not works of the Law and they are fools to believe their righteousness, (beginning, present or future) is by anything other than the Spirit. Paul echoes the prophet Habakkuk, “The righteous man lives by faith!” The deeds of the flesh are evident and the fruit of the Spirit is evident—if you live by the Spirit, then walk by the Spirit! Be led by the Spirit, no longer by the Law!
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