The first 39 books of the Bible are called the Old Testament. 12 of those books are called the Minor Prophets (because the books are small). Jonah is the fifth of the 12.
Jonah’s story is familiar to many, yet we need to study the book of Jonah with fresh eyes. Jonah disobeyed the Lord’s command to preach repentance to the wicked city of Nineveh. God sent calamity on Jonah until he obeyed. When he finally cried out the news of Nineveh’s imminent destruction, the Ninevites repented (and he was not even finished walking through the city.)
Because of their repentance, God had compassion and relented concerning the calamity He had declared He would bring to them. Jonah was angry that God had compassion on the city of Nineveh and the Lord rebuked him. Both calamity and compassion come from the Lord; and every conversion is the work of the grace of God.
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