The last 27 books of the Bible are called the New Testament. 21 of those books are called Epistles or letters. They were written for the instruction of believers in Jesus, the Christ.
Paul seemed to always have his hands full keeping the saints on the track of Truth. Usually he knew his audience because he had been influential in their salvation, but the saints of Colossae were different. He had never even seen their face, yet he had labored over them since he heard of their belief in Christ Jesus. Paul prayed to the point of agony for them because they were in danger. There were skillful deceivers peddling destructive lies about Christ all around them.
Now he wrote them a personal letter because they needed to know the truth about Christ in order to remain steadfast during the onslaught of these persuasive arguments. They were commanded to see to it that they were not taken captive according to philosophy and empty deception. To keep them from being deluded Paul gave them a magnificent review of the glories of what was a mystery in ages past, Christ in them—the Hope of Glory!
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