In the beginning of the Bible, God promises He will send One, the Messiah, Who will save those who will believe. This Promised One would be of the kingly line of David from the nation of Israel. Jesus is shown to be the King of Israel in the book of Matthew.
In Chapter 12 of Matthew you see the nation of Israel rejecting Jesus as Messiah and He, in turn, rejecting the nation of Israel temporarily. You see the resulting break at the very end of the chapter as He rejects His earthly family (and thus His earthly ties to the nation of Israel) and shows His true family, His spiritual family, as the ones who obey and do the will of His Father.
Because the lost sheep of the house of Israel reject their King, He will leave them and return to Heaven, but He will return to earth once more at the end of the age. In Chapter 13, Jesus gives (in the form of parables) seven pictures of the Kingdom of Heaven during the time the King will be absent from the professing sphere of Christendom on the earth. The manifestation of the Kingdom of Heaven is literally all those who profess to be part of Christendom (the Kingdom of Christ), not just true believers.
What He reveals to His disciples, and veils from the crowds, are mysteries that have been hidden since the foundation of the earth. It has been granted for His disciples to know the mysteries.
Get ready for a shock if you have been in church most of your life and yet have never studied these parables inductively! Then look around at the visible church of the world and let your faith be enlarged as you grasp that Christ’s mysterious prophecies have been eerily and literally fulfilled!
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