Proverbs 16:31 “A gray head is a crown of glory; it is found in the way of righteousness.”
The Proverbs are proverbial (a general truth or a piece of advice), therefore this is not an absolute that all who receive a gray head are righteous, rather it is a normal consequence of those who live righteously.
- The Hebrew word for gray head is “sebah” and means a head full of gray hair, or the head of old age, which is typically the time gray hair appears.
- The Hebrew word for crown is “atarah” and means a wreath, or crown, that surrounds the head.
- The Hebrew word for glory is “tipharah” and means adornment, beautiful, glorious, and splendor.
- The Hebrew word for found is “matsa” and means to attain to, or afford.
- The Hebrew word for way is “derek” and means the way, road, journey, distance, actions, or conduct.
- The Hebrew word for righteousness is “tsedaqah” and means righteous, honesty, or justice.
So this verse means that if we find ourselves with a head of gray hair, if we find that we have lived to our older years, we are to consider our gray hair a beautiful adornment, one that was attained by walking the journey of our life in righteousness and justice. In other words, in general, those who abide by the laws of God, should be able to hope for a long life—long enough to attain gray hair. And this verse means… that our gray hair should be regarded as a gift from God, Who, in His mercy has allowed us to live that long. The Bible tells us our next breath is in His hand. Job 12:9-10 “Who among all these does not know that the hand of the Lord has done this in whose hand is the life of every living thing, and the breath of all mankind?”
When my hair started turning gray (over 15 years ago), I started highlighting it like most women in America do, but when I studied this verse and realized that gray hair is a gift from God, and realized that, to Him, it is a thing of beauty, I decided to believe God instead of society and let my hair be the color He was giving me. I’ve never regretted it. My gray hair reminds me of His mercy, that He would let me live to the age I am today, and I thank Him for every breath He has given me.
To believe God brings Him Glory. It shows all who have eyes to see that He, alone, is the Right and True One. Daniel 4:37
Just to clarify the term righteousness used in Proverbs 16:31—it is not talking about the righteousness of Jesus which is imputed to those who believe in Him and is part of salvation, but rather it is referring to those who walk out their lives in general accord with God’s laws, which are righteous.
The Bible tells us very clearly that there is no one who is righteous on their own. Romans 3:10-18 In fact, it tells us that our own righteousness is like a filthy rag to God because it falls so short of His righteousness. Isaiah 64:6 True righteousness is found only in the One Whom God promised way back in Genesis 3:15; the Promised One Who would bring eternal life to those who believed in Him. This One was revealed to the nation of Israel, and then to the world, as Jesus of Nazareth—God’s Own Son, Who became incarnate. He took on flesh and became fully human, and yet remained fully God all the while. John 1:12-14
This One, the Messiah (Hebrew) or Christ (Greek) that the prophets spoke about so often, would live a perfect life, one that did not miss the mark of God’s righteousness, and then offer His perfect life and life’s blood as a sacrifice to propitiate, or satisfy, God’s wrath against people’s sin. Romans 3:21-26 Jesus did exactly that, and those who believe that Jesus paid for their own sins so they did not have to, and repent (turn from sin and towards God) will be saved out of their sins and from the wages of their sin—death. Romans 6:23
There is salvation in no other Name.. Acts 4:10-12
Copyright © 2010-2011 Sharon Jensen