God provides His children with a no-fall zone for their steps. And, as most precepts found in the Bible, there is God’s sovereign part and there is man’s responsibility…
The Sovereignty of God…
When my grandchildren were smaller, they were not allowed to go anywhere they wished. Rather, their destinations were determined by their parents and grandparents. When I was with them, they needed me to hold their hands (almost all the time) in order to avoid disaster. The number of times they were saved from crashing face first into the ground could never be counted! Their safety was the result of the firm hold I had on them. They did not fall down because of one simple thing—I, who was stronger than they, was the one who was holding their hands. And through it all, I delighted in guiding and protecting them, enjoying their nearness…
Just so, God has established a no-fall zone for my steps. He has determined what they are to be, where they are to be, when they are to be, and for what purpose they are to be. And then… wonder of wonders… He holds my hand as I take each and every step. Should I fall, or stumble, I will not be hurled headlong—I will not make it to the ground—because He is sustaining me with His hand. And to my delight, He delights in being with me…
The steps of a man are established by the Lord, and He delights in his way. When he falls, he will not be hurled headlong, because the Lord is the One who holds his hand. Psalm 37:23-24
The Responsibility of Man…
The grandchildren are still young and even now require constant direction for their feet and lives. We want them to utter wisdom when they speak (not so much yet) and we want them to justly and righteously use their toys and time (not so much yet, either). The only reliable way to accomplish this goal is to teach them the Word of God. As they grow into maturity it will be their responsibility to make decisions which line up with the Word of God—it will be their responsibility to walk according to the Word of God. In order to do so, it will be their responsibility to keep the Law of the Lord in their heart… The goal will be that their feet do not slip… do not hesitate… at choosing the right step in each and every situation.
Just so, I am to steadfastly adhere to God’s Word in order to keep my feet walking in a no-slip zone. The Bible gives me wisdom and the ability to speak justly. But it is my responsibility to study, believe, and obey His Word, not just once or once in awhile, but constantly, always, and forever…
The mouth of the righteous utters wisdom, and his tongue speaks justice. The law of his God is in his heart; his steps do not slip. Psalm 37:30-31