Romans 11 is a very important passage to consider. In these last days, many have distorted the truth about the nation of Israel and God’s dealings with her. We need to look to the Word of God and find the Truth He has spoken—then we will know what is true of Israel’s future!
Some people say God is done with Israel, and in fact, some say He has replaced her—replaced her with the church or with America. This lie is an abominable smell in the nostrils of God. What does God say in Romans 11:1? God has not rejected His people!!! That is the truth—God has not, and never will reject His people—His people Israel! Paul even uses an emphatic phrase, “May it never be!” which literally means “It is impossible!!!” It is impossible, it could never happen that God would reject His people!
Twice in Deuteronomy 31 God states His clear commitment to His people (as well has hundreds of times throughout His Book) by declaring He will not fail or forsake them—instead He will be with them. Hebrews 13:5 broadens this promise to all believers even while exhorting them to be righteous when it states, “I will never desert you, nor will I ever forsake you, so that we confidently say, “The Lord is my helper, I will not be afraid. What will man do to me?”
I want to make sure you are fully aware that, although Israel is on the “back burner” so to speak right now, she has not been shelved and she never will be! She has simply been set aside and is being purified for her Husband—Israel is the wife of God, the apple of His eye, His special beloved treasure. God has plans for her and He will bring them all to pass—every single one!
Why does it seem to some (to whom Paul is writing) that God might have rejected His people? What is happening to their numbers? How many of the Jews seem to be faithful to their God (during the time Paul is writing)?
What does Paul show us? There are a few faithful, the remnant, and they are intact simply because of God’s gracious choice of them! God, Himself, has kept faithful men for Himself! So when it seems that the Jews are few in number, we can still know that they are kept for God, by God—not because of anything they are doing—but because of what God is doing! Romans 9:11; 11:28
What does verse seven say Israel is seeking? Look at Romans 10:1-3. Israel was seeking righteousness, but tried to establish their own rather than subject themselves to the righteousness of God. What is the result? Romans 11:7 says that, although Israel sought righteousness, she did not obtain it. Why? Because she sought to make herself righteous rather than relying on the righteousness of God for her salvation.
And yet, verse seven goes on to tell us that some did obtain righteousness—who? And what happened to the rest, the ones who were not chosen? This should not have come as a surprise to them because it had been prophesied as Romans 11:8-10 shows us, but their law had become a snare and a trap to them, causing their own spiritual blindness.
So the first part of Romans 11 declares that God will not forsake His people even though they have become few in number because of their unrighteousness. Then in Verse 11, it reiterates that their fall is not a complete nor a permanent one, and that it actually is being used to accomplish another part of God’s plan!
What change regarding the Gentiles became possible because of the stumbling (but not falling) of the Jews? In other words, (technically speaking), if the Jews had not stumbled, would salvation have come to the Gentiles?
What is part of the result of the Gentiles being given salvation? How does that affect the Jews? Romans 11:11 What is the purpose of making the Jews jealous of the Gentiles’ salvation? You see, even in that, God is not finished with His people—He is purposely making them jealous, stoking a desire in them to come to Him! He is not finished with His people, oh, no!!! May it never be!!!
Let’s just keep walking through the chapter—it has so much to show us! Look at Verse 12. It says the Jews’ transgression, or failure, (unrighteousness) is riches for the world. What does that mean? It means that because the Jews did not subject themselves to the righteousness of God (and instead tried to produce their own) the world (nations, Gentiles) were given riches—the riches of salvation. So what was a bad thing still turned out a good product—Jews failure (bad) Gentiles offered salvation (good).
Now Paul shows us a contrast. He says that if the “bad” that the Jews did resulted in producing a “good” for the Gentiles, then how much more “good” will be accomplished when the Jews finally do subject themselves to the righteousness of God!!! You see, here is another promise assuring us that God is not done with His people! He is predicting their fulfillment! Hallelujah! Every last chosen Jew will be saved!
Paul goes on to say almost the same thing in the next few verses. He says he is speaking to those who are Gentiles so that the Jews will see his ministry and out of jealously become believers. He describes their rejection of God’s salvation as bringing reconciliation to the world (the Gentiles) and he exalts their future acceptance of God’s salvation (His way) as life from the dead! Paul is completely committed to the fact that the Jews will be saved! He believes every word he writes!
Paul takes time to caution the Gentiles to be humbled by the situation, rather than be puffed up. He reminds them that the Jews are before the Gentiles; the Jews are the root and they support the Gentile branches—it is not the other way around. And he forewarns them that since God did not spare His people, the Jews, because of their unbelief, He will not spare the Gentiles either.
Verse 24 is another declaration of promise that the Jews will still be part of God’s plan in the end. They will be grafted back into their own olive tree, just as if they had never been broken off. It is true.
Paul now turns a corner in Romans 11 and gives his readers some extremely important information about a mystery. Why does he give them this information? What does he tell them has happened to Israel? What is a partial hardening? How long will this partial hardening continue?
Jesus says in Luke 19:42 as He approached Jerusalem and weeps over it, “If you had known in this day, even you, the things which made for peace! But now they have been hidden from your eyes.” This is the hardening… the truth has been hidden from those who would not see it… Jesus was the Coming Messiah Israel had waited for through the centuries, but when He came they would not receive Him. So God partially hardened His people Israel and gave His invitation for salvation to the Gentiles.
But it was only a partial hardening, as John 1:12 shows us. Those who would receive Jesus would be given the right to become children of God. To whom would be given that right? To those who believe in the Name of Jesus!
It also was a temporary hardening—once the last Gentile is saved, then all of Israel will be saved! Israel! Look up! Your time draws nigh! Soon your Deliverer will come in majesty and He will draw you to Himself and you will be saved! He will remove ungodliness from Jacob and take away your sins!
How do we know this will happen? Because God said so! There is nothing more sure than the Word of God! He promises a Covenant, the most solemn binding agreement that can be made to assure His people of His intentions! The Jews, although enemies of Christians because of the gospel, were the beloved of God because of the Covenant God made with their fathers. The gifts and calling of that earlier Covenant (Abrahamic) were, and are, irrevocable!
The Gentile believers (Paul’s audience) were once disobedient to God, but were shown mercy because of the Jews disobedience. In other words, because the Jews rejected Jesus, He offered Jesus to the Gentiles in mercy. And in like manner, because the Gentiles were shown mercy because of the Jews’ disobedience, so would the Jews be shown mercy once again. Only in the economy of God could this take place—because of disobedience there was mercy for the Gentiles and mercy for the Jews! Glory to God! He shut up everyone in disobedience so that He could show mercy to all!!!
Romans 11:33a "Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God!” There is oh, such rich depth in the wisdom of God in how He saves His people. There is oh, such rich depth in the knowledge of God in how He saves His people. Both Jew and Gentile.
Romans 11:33b "How unsearchable are His judgments and unfathomable His ways!” His ways cannot be searched—they are too far beyond the horizon! His ways cannot be fathomed—they are too great beyond any measure! His judgments and His ways of salvation are His alone! We dare not tread to examine or question!
Romans 11:34 "For who has known the mind of the Lord, or who became His counselor?” The answer is an absurdity! No one has known the mind of the Lord! How preposterous, illogical, and senseless to ever conceive of counseling the Lord!
Romans 11:35 "Or who has first given to Him that it might be paid back to Him again!” Does the Lord owe anyone an explanation for His ways! May it never be!!!
Romans 11:36a "For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things!” God alone is the source of all things, including the salvation of His chosen ones! He chooses, He calls, He saves! He will lose not one! He alone is God! And we are His alone!
Romans 11:36b "To Him be the Glory forever! Amen!” ...and amen and amen and amen…
Adapted from “HIStory—From Event To Event The Bible Is One Story"